Participating Societies
View the participating societies in the World Coalition for Trauma Care

Indian Society for Trauma & Acute Care
The mission of the ISTAC® is to provide a professional forum for the exchange of information, education and training regarding all aspects of Trauma Care including Pre-hospital, In-hospital acute care and definitive care for accident and trauma victims. Exchange of information and education through training programs will also focus on the field of Disaster Medicine.

Orthopaedic Trauma Association
OTA is an international society with a membership of over 2,300 orthopaedic trauma surgeons. The mission of the OTA is to promote excellence in care for the injured patient, through the provision of scientific forums and support of musculoskeletal research and education of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the public.

Society of Trauma Nurses
The Society of Trauma Nurses is a professional nonprofit organization whose mission is to ensure optimal trauma care to all people locally, regionally, nationally and globally through initiatives focused on trauma nurses related to prevention, education and collaboration with other healthcare disciplines.

International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC)
IATSIC is a global Association devoted to the development of improved trauma care for surgical patients in all operating specialties by fostering and supporting research in the fields of trauma and intensive care. It attracts surgeons and anesthetists from all over the world.

International Society of Surgery ISS/SIC
The International Society of Surgery (ISS/SIC) is considered today one of the most distinguished and prestigious international surgical societies in the world. The International Society of Surgery - La Société Internationale de Chirurgie – was funded in 1902 on the initiative of Belgian surgeons Antoine Depage and his colleagues.

Korean Society of Acute Care Surgery (KSACS)
KSACS is a society that trains experts in acute and severe surgical diseases, leads research on acute and severe surgical diseases, provides personalized medicine and standard care for acute and severe surgery, and fulfills its social responsibilities in the field of acute surgery

The College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECA)
The College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA) is an independent body that fosters postgraduate education in surgery and provides surgical training throughout the region of East, Central and Southern Africa. COSECSA delivers a common surgical training programme with an internationally bench-marked exam and qualification

Australian & New Zealand Trauma Society
The ANZTS is the only multidisciplinary trauma society in Australasia. It brings together those who are treating, researching and teaching in traumatic injury as well as those wanting to learn more with the aim to provide the highest standard of trauma care in Australasia.

Japanese Society for the Acute Care Surgery (JSACS)
The American College of Surgeons (ACS) is a scientific and educational association of surgeons that was founded in 1913 to improve the quality of care for the surgical patient by setting high standards for surgical education and practice. From 2012 to 2013, the College observed a year-long commemoration of its Centennial, "100 Years of Inspiring Quality."

Lusitanian Association for Trauma and Emergency Surgery
ALTEC-LATES is one of the independent groups in the field of trauma surgery education in Portugal, all represented in the Committee for Emergency Surgery Education of Ordem dos Médicos (CESE-OM), and an institucional member of the European Society for Trauma And Emergency Surgery.